This project describes the works that were created as part of my bachelor thesis. It is primarily about experimental typography and the creation of letterforms using experimental methods. 
I looked at various works by different contemporary designers, artists and creators and drew out individual aspects on which I based my own experiments. The practical part deals with the implementation of 3 typographic experiments, in the sense of Dr. Nicholas Qyll (Slanted 40: experimental typography). These experiments are of different nature. Above all, it was important to me to use other ways, apart from the computer, to design. 
Experiment 1 is based on the mindset of the Cologne graffiti artist Semor, his freestyle and sense for the wall. 
Spray cans are used to create letterforms. Letters are not sketched in advance, but are immediately applied to the wall in their entirety. Allowing new and interesting ideas to sprout quickly and suddenly.
Experiment 2 is based on a grid. 16 indiviual parts of a bigger, then cut down, form are used to create new characters. The entire alphabet is designed with several variations of the individual characters. A puzzle, without right and wrong. Here the basic shapes and how letters are build is in focus.
Experiment 3 is based on Jannis Maroschecks Latent Figures. Abstract shapes, that were created with human made input. In this experiment human made input, in form of pictures, is used to create new and interesting grids. These new grids are used to build letters, within a ruleset that was created beforehand.
Within these 3 experiments all characters were created by hand, I was able to discover new methods and question my own and the classical work with letterforms. The entire work is published in a limited run zine. It brings the work back to outsiders, but also to designers, along with the methods and way of thinking, and in the best case serves as an impulse for experimentation.